Carta de sponsorship para solicitar Visa

Estimados Companieros,
Alguien tiene conocimiento de quien esta siendo la persona encargada en el IECE o el SENESCYT de llenar y proveer la carta que se necesita para demostrar a la embajada Inglesa que nuestros estudios y gastos de vivienda estan siendo pagados por una institucion del estado “Financial Sponsor Letter from Government or Another Financial Sponsor” . Favor de informar y dejarnos saber. Asi mismo aqui envio el formato de la carta.

20 August 2012
To Whom It May Concern
UK Border Agency
Home Office
Dear Sir/Madam
(name of student) / (date of birth) / (nationality)
(name of spouse) / (date of birth) / (nationality)
(name of child) / (date of birth) / (nationality)
We confirm that (name of student) has been awarded a financial scholarship by (sponsoring organisation) for study at the University of Manchester for the degree of (qualification) in (subject). The scholarship will commence (date) and last for a period of (months).
The scholarships covers (name of student) and his/her family members listed above. The scholarship covers all of the student’s tuition fees and living expenses and all of the dependant’s living expenses.
In addition, (sponsoring organisation) gives unconditional consent to (name of student) to make an application for immigration permission to stay in or re-enter the United Kingdom until he/she has completed her studies.
Yours faithfully

  1. Please replace the words in brackets with the relevant details.
  2. Details for family members should be included only if the scholarship covers them
  3. End Date: according to published UK immigration policy, student immigration permission is granted for the length of the programme of study plus 4 months (if the course is longer than 12 months). If the course is less than 12 months even by one day immigration permission will be granted for the length of the course plus two months:
     a PhD student commencing in September 2012 would be granted permission until 30 April 2017 (end date is viva date = submission date + 3 months)
     a Masters student commencing in September 2012 would be granted permission until 30 January 2014

Cuando te adjudican la beca, en un e-mail te llegará la carta de sponsorship, en Inglés y en español.

A mí no me llegó y me dijo el analista que él me ayudará con eso.

Briones, felicitaciones! Yo también he sido aceptada a Manchester. Que programa vas a seguir?

Hola @mdct yo voy a el program de desarrollo internacional Maetria. Y tu a que programa vas?

en el masters de International Development and Governance.

SI el mismo. Y tu?

Hola a todos. Una pregunta la carta que me llega en el Mail en formato pdf es suficiente para enviar a la embajada de Reino Unido o se necesita una carta original? De ser así, a quien se debe solicitar esta carta? Muchas gracias por su ayuda

Yo presenté esa, pero tengo que esperar hasta mañana para ver si mi pasaporte tiene la visa.

Ya me dieron mi visa. Estoy muy feliz. Si, con esa carta es suficiente.

Felicidades @Georgethefriend!